Saturday February 24th

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Saturday February 24th

Post by phillisw »

Good Morning. :D How are you this morning? What plans do you have?
Hubby and I are going out to breakfast and maybe to the Flea Market. Then to buy paint for the next bedroom. I'll be scrapping or reading while he paints

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Re: Saturday February 24th

Post by Tamara »

Good Morning!
Took DH back to the ER last night after his shift to get his elbow checked. There was still drainage of infection so we just wanted to make sure it was ok since his antibiotics run out today. They took a culture sample to make sure it isn't sepsis and put him on another antibiotic for that and a referral to an orthopedic dr.
Today I have having six friends over all day to scrap. We are all excited! Having a baked potato bar for lunch so I will be scrapping all day for sure! The weather is delightful!
Happy Saturday!
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Tracy F
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Re: Saturday February 24th

Post by Tracy F »

Good Morning!

We got home yesterday from Universal. We all had a great time and the weather was perfect every single day! We got to ride so many rides that we'd never been on so it was a lot of fun. We only had 3 days with the kids so it was sad to see them go but we'll see them for 2 weeks in July.
Gotta get some laundry going and then just planning on scrapping.
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