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Good Morning - 03/21/2018 (Wednesday)

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 6:27 am
by tammyfolk
Good morning ladies....

It's pretty cold here....Our heat went out Monday night, repairman came out yesterday, and said we needed a part. Part should be here the meantime it's like in the lower 30s with snow expected today.....I'm not completely miserable, but definately uncomfortable. Thank goodness for the stove and a mini space heater that I have. LOL

Nothing major going on today! Thank goodness, as I have some major laundry to do and a bathroom that needs cleaned. Being rushed out the door....check in later.

Re: Good Morning - 03/21/2018 (Wednesday)

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 6:34 am
by Beth
tammyfolk wrote: Wed Mar 21, 2018 6:27 am Good morning ladies....

It's pretty cold here....Our heat went out Monday night, repairman came out yesterday, and said we needed a part. Part should be here the meantime it's like in the lower 30s with snow expected today.....I'm not completely miserable, but definately uncomfortable. Thank goodness for the stove and a mini space heater that I have. LOL

Nothing major going on today! Thank goodness, as I have some major laundry to do and a bathroom that needs cleaned. Being rushed out the door....check in later.
I have an EdenPure heater and two other ones if you would like to borrow them. Give me a ring if you need them.

Re: Good Morning - 03/21/2018 (Wednesday)

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 8:56 am
by Jan Mosier
Heat I can live without for a few days but if my ac goes out I'm in trouble. Jan don't like to sweat! :

Working on laundry today, also need to put some sweet potatoes on the dehydrator and make a late breakfast.....I need the bacon for my treats. :lol: Walked over to Kyle's yesterday to put some treats in his freezer and came home with 4 bananas so I will be trying to use those up over the next day or two.

Re: Good Morning - 03/21/2018 (Wednesday)

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 5:23 pm
by sdwhru
Brrrr with no heat; sounds like it is laundry day everywhere. Just another day of work here then need to go home and work on laundry; work on books and my knitting.

Re: Good Morning - 03/21/2018 (Wednesday)

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 9:07 pm
by Tamara
Sorry guys, it truly is spring here! and we barely saw snow. I put out my white fake flowers in the pot in my front ward today. Easter decorations are up. I'm having surgery in the morning so I won't be able to do much going up and down stairs for a while. I just put all my things in one place in the scraproom in case I have to have him come get them for me and bring them upstairs when I feel like doing a project.
Went to dinner tonight to a new place close by and it was yummy and reasonable. Hope it gets more business. The food was yummy! and the vegetable tomato soup was delish!
Happy Wednesday...Tomorrow I will be sporting a new fashion boot. They even told me to wear a skirt. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Have a great night!

Re: Good Morning - 03/21/2018 (Wednesday)

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 10:50 pm
by SusieQ
I went to Syracuse (1 1/2 to 1 3/4 hours) with Dylan to his specialist. So glad the snow was to the South of us. .

Dylan's special ist thought he might be admitting him and doing a bronchoscopy. But thankfully he improved slightly over yesterday. He has bronchitis possibly pneumonia but also a mucous plug in his lung. Dr. Thinks it's breaking up so we got to come home , with more meds and a new treatment but home!

Re: Good Morning - 03/21/2018 (Wednesday)

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 7:41 pm
by BarbP
So glad this week is nearly over! Mom's ER visit turned into a six-day hospital stay; then she was transferred to a skilled care facility here in town for some physical and occupational therapy. The staff latched onto the dementia that was listed among her diagnoses and conditions (which is still in early to mid stage). Her memory issues, which are mild at home, escalated and she wasn't really getting the services she was there to receive. I had her discharged and brought her home on Tuesday (should have done it sooner). Through referrals from her insurance, we are going to get home health assistance, physical and occupational therapy here in our home. She's much better today. From the past two weeks, I've learned that I need to be a witch on wheels if needed to make sure she gets the proper placement, care and services that she needs. I expect that we might have to dispute some charges based on the way the hospital and care facility classified her condition and treatment.