Hello Sunday morning!

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Hello Sunday morning!

Post by BarbP »

Good morning from sunny Colorado! Mom had a pretty rough night, waking up several times. Her confusion is getting worse. Mike and I take turns getting up when she calls out, but it's taking its toll on us too. I've been dragging my feet on the issue, but it's time to find an alternative -- extra help, senior day care, a permanent placement in a facility that knows how to care for her given her mental and physical issues. Right now, Covid19 is still a big threat, which complicates the issue. One area nursing home just had an outbreak of several serious cases. Scary.

Today we have sunshine after getting rain last night. Mike will be ecstatic -- his flowers need rain to grow. Never thought I would see him actually enjoy gardening. ;) He planted dahlias, a couple of geraniums and petunias. The dahlias are really gorgeous this year.

Have a great Sunday!
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Re: Hello Sunday morning!

Post by Krystle »

It’s a nice hot day today. Doing some house and yard work.
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Re: Hello Sunday morning!

Post by Tracy F »

Barb, my heart goes out to you about your mom. I went through that with mine. Just an idea for you....talk to her doctor. I got a lot of help from my mom's dr's office with home care and he even had a Dr. that made house calls. Everything was covered by Medicare except for the Home Health Aid that I had come 2 days a week to bathe her. It was probably the hardest thing I've ever gone through but I'm so glad I was able to spend all that time with my mom and I'd do it all over again.

Went for my walk this morning and made it the whole way. It was hot but every once in a while there was a slight breeze. Not sure what I'll be doing today. Need to run to the grocery store for a few things but no other plans.
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Re: Hello Sunday morning!

Post by phillisw »

Hello. I did my elliptical this morning and have been lounging around since my shower. I did put chicken in the crock pot. I WILL scrap today. Barb, sorry that your mom needs more help. hugs to you

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Re: Hello Sunday morning!

Post by Tamara »

So sorry Barb! I know it is hard but getting more help would ease the problem.

I am getting so much done these past few days. I packed up all my piano music this morning. Clearing out picture frames that were on the piano and changing course. I love all my scrapbooks in the bookcases. It is nice to have them upstairs and not have to worry about a flood in the basement. I now have 4 12x12 cubicles available to fill in my scrap room and a whole shelf in the closet in here. Little by little it will hopefully get more organized.

I am so sad!!! I just had my best scrapbooking friend call to tell me that she has tested positive for Covid. She has been so careful. she is working from home, doesn't go to the grocery store and she only went to her moms last week to take her some stuff to sell so her mom can pay her bills. She realized she didn't wear her mask but she stayed six feet from her moms two friends. My friend has asthma and is high risk also. Her mom called her to tell her one of those two friends has covid. My friend had to wait 7 days to be tested. She has had it for four days and it breaks my heart. I almost went with her last Tuesday because she wanted to go to the American Crafts warehouse sale with me. My DH really didn't want me to go in a car with her, even in masks we would not be six feet apart. He is always telling me he has a sixth sense. After the call I gave him a hug and thanked him for looking out for me. If we had gone I would of been exposed. IT is getting so much worse her and people are so stupid. We had decided yesterday that we are back to square one and quarantined again, no take out, no going out to dinner and only going on rides that have no crowds. This stuff is real!!

We are grilling salmon today so enjoy!
Happy Sunday!!
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Re: Hello Sunday morning!

Post by Patti »

Good afternoon. After church, we went to Lowes to get more supplies and I have been working in the yard while DH is working on the floor. It's hot and humid with some rain between sunshine.
Barb, hope you find a solution to getting more help with your mon.
Tamara, I'm sorry about your friend. I don't think we are back to where we started but far from there. While many are testing positive, the death rate is much lower because we know how to deal with it better. Wouldn't it be great if the news reported on how many are recovering instead of how many are infected...a positive spin would help our spirits so much.
Everyone enjoy the rest of this wonderful day!

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Re: Hello Sunday morning!

Post by tammyfolk »

So three trips to Lowe's this morning, and then back again for more deck screws. Then I followed Shawn to the garage to drop Gs car off while he is in North Carolina - oil change, inspection, & brakes. It's an older car (2008 Dodge Avenger) so we figured now would be a perfect time to do the upkeep on it. Then we went to Super Shoes for more work boots for Shawn and then out to lunch after. The Chinese Buffet restaurant was open and the buffet was full of yummy goodness. It was mandatory to wear a mask while obtaining your food. It was all super yummy, but my stomach hasn't had that type of food for a really long time, so now I'm paying for it. . .

Going do a bit more site work, and then scrap some more. . .
Tammy Folk - Strawberries & Peppermints

Scrapbooking....is there really anything else?

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Re: Hello Sunday morning!

Post by Tamara »

Patti wrote: Sun Jun 28, 2020 1:48 pm Good afternoon. After church, we went to Lowes to get more supplies and I have been working in the yard while DH is working on the floor. It's hot and humid with some rain between sunshine.
Barb, hope you find a solution to getting more help with your mon.
Tamara, I'm sorry about your friend. I don't think we are back to where we started but far from there. While many are testing positive, the death rate is much lower because we know how to deal with it better. Wouldn't it be great if the news reported on how many are recovering instead of how many are infected...a positive spin would help our spirits so much.
Everyone enjoy the rest of this wonderful day!
Crossing my fingers you are right Patti! Thanks for your thoughts.
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Re: Hello Sunday morning!

Post by Wendy »

Barb and Tamara so sorry to hear the bad news. I hope all gets better soon. These crazy times are so unpredictable.

My Mom called me yesterday and let me know that she sold her house and is moving an hour and a half away. While this is GOOD news (she lives in Chicago), it totally broke my heart. She has been in the house for 51 years. It's the only house we know. It's just very old and the costs for upkeep were just out of control for someone on a fixed income. My brother and sister still live with her, but my brother has health issues and my sister,..well, she's lazy and good for nothing. And she has a 4yo daughter. So Mom bought a house to accommodate all of them, which did not sit well with me and my other brother. It's a tough situation. I was so happy for her because she is so excited for her new adventure, but I'm very worried about her too. IT's a lot of work and stress for someone her age. She will be 75 this December. It' going to be a lot of work to get her settled and I can honestly say I am NOT looking forward to any of it. But it's all for the best. She will be out of Chicago I will not have to worry about her as much.

I worked on a page this morning and did not like it. I'm too distracted. So I spent an hour in the backyard pulling weeds and stuff. I guess I'll go back out for a bit. I still have no motivation or creativity yet.
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Re: Hello Sunday morning!

Post by scrlvr78 »

Farm, made a card (too warm in our back porch), hung with Mom, read, music. This humidity is getting to be too much right now and making me very blah-like.
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