Tuesday 8/25/2020

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Tuesday 8/25/2020

Post by tammyfolk »

Happy Tuesday ladies . . .

So what’s one everyone’s agenda today??
Tammy Folk - Strawberries & Peppermints

Scrapbooking....is there really anything else?

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Re: Tuesday 8/25/2020

Post by tammyfolk »

Not sure what the day entails for me other than work. Jackie is leaving one day this week but her plans aren’t set in stone just yet so we’re all just waiting around until she decides.

Scrapping has taken a back seat for awhile but I’m hoping to accomplish something this weekend!
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Re: Tuesday 8/25/2020

Post by chillycharlie20 »

Good morning. We have the 2 younger grandchildren coming for the day today, Apparently their dad has something he needs to do so we get to play today! It rained last night so everything is wet but the sun is out now it should dry up by later. I don't have many flowers left blooming, only the dahlias left, so now I don't need to water. Hard to believe we need to start preparing for our first frost and garden clean up already. summer flies by way too quickly. I'm sure my daughter will be letting me know sometime today by text or FB post how many days until Christmas! sigh..... have a great day everyone.
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Re: Tuesday 8/25/2020

Post by Wendy »

Another long day at work. We are so incredibly busy. I work for a metal fabricator and we are building different hand sanitizer stands, frames for dividers for schools, and a few other Covid related items. The response is so overwhelming. Luckily, it's keeping us open, but it's starting to wear on the staff in the factory. Lots of overtime and the heat isn't helping either.

I forgot about a baseball game last night, so I had no time to myself. Got home around 8pm, made dinner and went to bed. I'd love to get more challenges done before the end of the month, but it's not looking good. This weekend is already booked solid.

Not sure what to make for dinner tonight. We have bowling and baseball practice. I really need to get back to meal planning!
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Re: Tuesday 8/25/2020

Post by Jan Mosier »

I'm not sure what my plans are as of yet. My mom talked about riding up and dropping some things off at the antique store but then called later in the evening yesterday and talked about something totally different.

I had a rough evening with the dogs and didn't get a chance to call her back to see what her plans were exactly. As of now I am finally feeding the last of the dogs. Washing another load of dog laundry as one of the boarders that sleeps with me got sick during the night. That's the first time that has happened since I've been keeping them. She doesn't seem to be interested in eating this morning and I'm not going to force it. I hold off feeding her for 24 - 48 hours to give her tummy a rest.

Hoping to put the title on the layout I started two days ago and move on to something else. We'll see how the day goes. Yesterday was a doozie....hoping today is better. :lol:
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Re: Tuesday 8/25/2020

Post by sthom97093 »

Finished up virtual meeting number 2 at school. HOLY COW the procedures...My head swimming and thanking the Lord I am virtual teacher this year. Today I have to get blood drawn (fun...) and then finishing up a scrap project and hoping to do a walk tonight.
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Re: Tuesday 8/25/2020

Post by scrlvr78 »

Going to Meijer some time today. Hanging with Mom. Watching my Brewers tonight. No idea what else.
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Re: Tuesday 8/25/2020

Post by Tamara »

I was going to start the syrup on the pickles today but I don't have all the ingredients. DH is going to grab them on his way home from work and then he will have to help me get them boiled since I have a commitment on a zoom call from 7:00-8:00 He already does so much around the house so I try to eliminate extra chores but he doesn't want me in the grocery store so I have to live with that.
I've got Monday's sketch challenge in my head so I need to get that out onto paper. And I have he next covid travelers notebook ready to get going on. The first book took me to April 23. The second book starts with the Jet flyover April 25.
Maybe I'll start sorting embellishment containers. I have so much to eliminate and purge on the way.

Happy Tuesday!!
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Re: Tuesday 8/25/2020

Post by Tracy F »

We got home late yesterday afternoon. Unpacked everything, made dinner since we had leftovers from the night before at Cracker Barrel and went to bed. Why does driving make you feel so exhausted. After sleeping in my own bed I woke up refreshed. Now on to the ton of laundry. I'm on my 4th load and have another 3 to go. That's always the worst part of this vacation. We had a pretty good time but it just seemed so different this year. We had rain and clouds for a couple of days and on a beautiful day we all managed to get sunburnt. It was difficult eating because there is no inside seating at any restaurants in Jersey so it was all take out. Normally we would all head out to eat and then up to the boardwalk but not this year. We'd pick up our food and eat at the condo and some nights we went to the boardwalk had an ice cream and then back to the condo. This whole trip just felt so different this year. But I will say that I was very impressed with how many people along the way were wearing face masks. It was still good to spend time with the granddaughters even though the oldest (13) has turned into a recluse. She spent most of her time in her room on her drawing computer. She's becoming quite a good artist. I spent most of my time playing games on the computer with the youngest dgd.
It was all fun but I'm glad to be back home and get back to our normal routine.
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Re: Tuesday 8/25/2020

Post by Kiki Halbert »

Working from home today and catching up on laundry like most of us. I'm hoping that hubby will vacuum tonight when he gets home. I'm just not up to dragging it around with my back the way it is. Tomorrow it's a day for doctors and work so I have to get to bed early so I can get up to drive hubby to work and have the car for my appointments. No scrapping today I fear.
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