Please choose 25 words from the 100 words provided below and PM them to me. Beginning on Sunday, November 5th, I will begin posting 5 random drawn words daily until someone calls Bingo. I will provide a small prize for the first person to call Bingo.
Everyone is encouraged to play along, but winner is encouraged to host the next month's Bingo game & provide a small prize (but certainly NOT required).
So, who wants to play??
Send me your words
1 aline
2 accessory
3 adaptation
4 armhole
5 backless
6 basic color
7 bias
8 blouse
9 boots
10 breast pocket
11 breasted
12 camisole
13 cocktail dress
14 color scheme
15 corset
16 couture
17 darts
18 design
19 deconstruction
20 deyed
21 drape
22 dresses
23 electric colors
24 embroidery
25 fashion designer
26 games
27 fabric
28 fashion
29 fashion show
30 fashion week
31 fashion tv
32 fashion trends
33 fashion style
34 fish tale
35 fit
36 flare
37 flare out
38 fold
39 garments
40 gather
41 gold foil
42 grain
43 grunge
44 guideline
45 haute couture
46 high fashion
47 hip
48 hipster
49 invert
50 impact colors
51 jewels
52 jewelry
53 kimono
54 knock off
55 lace
56 lace up
57 lapel
58 leg
59 legged
60 length
61 lingerie
61 loose end
62 mood board
63 muslin
64 neckline
65 outerwear
66 overlap
67 pants
68 pleat
69 retro
70 satin stitch
71 semi
72 shirring
73 short sleeve
74 silhouette
75 silk
76 skirt
77 sleeveless
78 strap
79 strapless
80 stiffen
81 stitch
82 strip down
83 take apart
84 texture
85 tuck in
86 uniform
87 unisex style
88 vintage
89 waist
90 waistline
91 warm colors
92 wastecoat
93 weft
94 women fashion
95 wrap
96 wrap around
97 workwear
98 x-ray fabric
99 yarn
100 zipper
Players: Tamara